Hiji-STOP solusi
Difokuskeun ngembangkeun diversified, urang ngawangun hubungan alus jeung pabrik ranté, webbing slings pabrik, blok pabrik katrol, beban binders pabrik jeung pabrik produk stainless steel, pikeun mastikeun kaperluan béda tina klien kami kalayan kualitas pangalusna sarta harga kalapa. -
20 taun pangalaman
Kami di rigging industri keur dua puluh taun. Kami hiji kombinasi idéal stocking, sourcing, bungkusan, jasa nilai ditambahkeun. Nyadiakeun waragad kualitas solusi éféktif tailored ka kabutuhan individu Anjeun. -
kualitas punjul
"Quality Kahiji, Palanggan foremost", urang mastikeun unggal produk lulus inspeksi pangiriman. Urang nyieun unggal usaha pikeun nyadiakeun kualitas punjul kalayan harga kalapa. kaamanan anjeun perhatian urang.
Linyi Guntur Rigging CO., LTD diadegkeun dina 1998, ayana di Linyi Kota, Propinsi Shandong. pabrik urang geus husus dina garis rigging hardware kami nyadiakeun Bulan lega produk, kayaning klip tali kawat, shackles, turnbuckles, kait, cingcin, thimbles, sleeves tur jadi on.Focus dina ngembangkeun diversified, urang ngawangun hubungan alus kalawan pabrik ranté, webbing slings pabrik, blok pabrik katrol, beban binders pabrik jeung pabrik produk stainless steel, pikeun mastikeun kaperluan béda tina klien kami kalayan kualitas pangalusna sarta harga kalapa.
Standard for inspection of ring of steel ...21-01-15Steel wire rope sleeve ring, which can also be called the heart ring, it is a kind of lifting machinery. Therefore, it is widely used in the field of heavy industry hoisting. Then the following is a brief introduction of its inspection standards by Piner superior industrial equipment, so that we can understand, and at the same time, but also can increase their own knowledge of steel wire rope. The inspection standard of steel wire rope set ring, its main, is four: (1) steel wire...
Selection and safe use of sling20-12-30The hooks are forged from carbon structural steel or alloy structural steel and heat-treated, and have the characteristics of small volume, light weight and high strength. The strength classes of hooks are M (4), S (6) and T (8). The hook test load is 2 times the limit working load, and the breaking load is 4 times the limit working load. Main purpose and scope of application The hook is mainly used as a connecting tool in lifting operation. Use and operation The limit working load and applic...